Institute for Creative Management think tank
Dedicated to the use of applied management research for practical purposes.
Dedicated to the use of applied management research for practical purposes.
Dr. Melanie P. Cohen is the Executive Director and Principal at the Institute for Creative, a management think tank dedicated to the use of applied management research for practical purposes. Previously, she worked at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as the Information Technology Strategist from December 2001 through January 2017. Her work at HUD focused on maximizing business and technology integration and the role of information technology in organizational productivity. In addition, Dr. Cohen hosted a monthly series of government-wide webinars featuring experts from academia and the public and private sectors focused on organizational leadership, management, behavior, and culture. Prior to joining HUD, she was the Chief of the Strategic Planning Unit at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) responsible for developing the strategic planning process. Dr. Cohen is an expert in strategy development in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Her experience includes organizational restructuring, change, and culture. Her research interests focus on public management, 21st century organization, and the multi-generational workforce. Melanie Cohen earned a Doctorate in Management from the University of Maryland University College. In addition, Dr. Cohen is an adjunct Lecturer at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in strategic management.
We offer an understanding of managing organizations in the context of broad issues, such as leadership, culture, strategy, structure, social system design, technology, design thinking, and new approaches to problem solving. In addition, we offer an interdisciplinary and integrative perspective on critical organizational issues with a unique approach to intellectual inquiry emphasizing the integration of theory and practice. The Institute for Creative knows that organizations and management focus on two things: how individuals and groups interact within organizations and understanding how to achieve strategic flexibility to identify major changes in the external environment, commit resources to new courses of action, and respond to those changes. To understand these issues, scholars at the Institute for Creative focus on the study of strategy, intergroup processes, power, and culture, as well as organizational identity, interpersonal and inter-organizational relationships.
Our scholars at the Institute for Creative engage in thinking and analysis grounded in a strong understanding of the complex relationship between the organization and its environment. In addition, we offer heightened issue identification and resolution skills to be applied in business management practice. We understand interdependencies within and between organizations and offer perspective on the challenges and opportunities that will impact the plans, strategies, and policies guiding your organization toward long term success. To this end, we will identify key initiatives that bridge theory and practice by engaging practitioners and academics in the co-creation of knowledge and collaborative practices with “evidence-based practice,” and “practice-based evidence.”
Cohen, M.P. (2014). Why I continued when reason and logic dictated otherwise. In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Bursting the big data bubble: The case for intuition based decision making. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Cohen, M.P. (2013). What will the new public sector look like and who will be there? The Public Manager, Winter 2013.
Cohen, M.P. (2021). The Third Mission and the Transformation of the Business School in the New Economy. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Virtual Conference.
Cohen, M.P. (2020). The Third Mission and the Transformation of the Traditional Business School. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Virtual Conference.
Cohen, M.P. (2019). Translating Theory into Practice: Developing Strategic Objectives and Actions. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Cohen, M.P. (2019). Inclusiveness of Practice Oriented Research Across Academy of Management Divisions and Journals. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Cohen, M.P. (2018). Translating Theory into Practice: Identifying and Formulating Effective Strategies. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Cohen, M.P. (2018). Getting Started: The Do’s and Don’ts for Initiating Impactful Academic-Practitioner-Relationships. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Cohen, M.P. (2017). How to Make Academic-Practitioner-Relationships Work - A Learning Community Approach. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Cohen, M.P. (2017). Bridging the Theory and Practice Gap in Research through Design Thinking. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Cohen, M.P. (2017). Translating Scholarship into Practice: Reflection on the Future of Management Theory and Practice. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Cohen, M.P. (2016). Translating Scholarship Into Practice – Which Comes First: Theory or Practice? Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Cohen, M.P. (2016). Connecting the Dots of Scholar-Practitioner Collaboration at the AOM. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Cohen, M.P. (2015). Translating Scholarship into Practice: Exploring the gap between scholars and practitioners. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, M.P. (2015). From Knowledge Translation to Practice-based Knowing: Knowing as Practicing and Relating. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, M.P. (2015). Anticipatory Governance Approaches to Weak Signals: Reliability, Resilience, Renewal Based Practices. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, M.P. (2014). Impact and usefulness: The influence of management research on public policy and society. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Cohen, M.P. (2014). Translating the results of scholarship into actions by practitioners. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Cohen, M.P. (2013). Is public sector strategic planning really strategic? Maybe under certain circumstances. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL.
Cohen, M.P. (2013). Translating scholarship into practice: How can the results of scholarly research be translated into information practitioners can use? Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL.
Cohen, M.P. (2012). Design thinking and wicked problems in business strategy and public policy. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Cohen, M.P. (2011). The new public sector: What will it look like and who will be there? Conceptual Paper presentation at the annual Northeast Conference on Public Administration, New York NY.
Cohen, M.P. (2011). Leadership Development Challenges and Best Practices: A Scientist-Practitioner Forum. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX.
Cohen, M.P. (2010). Passion and Compassion in Public and Non Profit Strategic Planning: Getting Stakeholders into Strategy. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
Cohen, M.P. (2010). What is public sector strategic planning? Findings from a multi-sector study. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
Cohen, M.P. (2009). What is public sector strategic planning? Findings from a review of the literature, Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Fry, L.W. & Cohen, M.P. (2008). Spiritual leadership as a paradigm for organizational transformation and recovery from extended work hours cultures. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Cohen, M.P. (2008). Questioning for relevance: A dialogue of scholarship and practice, Panel presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Cohen, M.P. (2007). What is public sector strategic planning? Is it really planning or is it strategy or is it neither or both? Paper presentation at the annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC.
Dr. Melanie P. Cohen interviews Amy Herman, author of Visual Intelligence. They discuss the relevance of visual literacy across the professional spectrum and how the analysis of works of art affords individuals an innovative way to refresh their sense of critical inquiry and reconsider the skills necessary for effective leadership.
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